Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Things men won’t take from women

WOMEN are the backbone of the family, I am sure readers will agree with me without prejudice. Although, we are referred to as the weaker sex, I agree but I think the phrase the "stronger weaker sex" will be more appropriate.

Because of our nature and our God-given task, we are duty -bound to keep our homes, make our kids and spouses happy. It is a new year and as wives and mothers, we must make resolutions that will affect our homes positively. When your husband is happy with you, of course, you know what it does to your morale and that of everybody in the household, when the situation is otherwise, as a woman you know that the ripple effect will affect everyone in the home and even beyond.

Because we want a good and peaceful home this year and even beyond, it is good as wives and mothers to know what our men do not like. When you know these things, you will be conscious of them and avoid them.

Below are some things our men dislike, although these may be relative, but it could serve as guidelines for us.

Gossip: Although some people say that men are the worst gossips, but I tell you, some men just can't stand women who gossip. Aside from this do you know that gossips end up being shamed?. Why do some women say things they are not sure of?

Of course some gossips could be true with some elements of facts in them, but most of the things some women engage in and peddle are false, majority of women who do this know that the stories they peddle are wrong but they just take delight in peddling falsehood.

For men, flippant and talkative women, who move from house to house in the guise of socialising but actually talking out of line, could be a pain in the neck to their husbands.

How do you think your husband would feel, if other women come over to your house to confront you about the falsehood you helped to spread or a frivolous talk you engaged in that destroyed other people?.

If you are one of those women who peddle rumours in the name of socialising, please make a resolution to stop this year. The outcome won't only disgrace you but your entire family.

Nagging: Just like gossip, men have been accused of being the worst nags but, why don't you try to be less -nagging this year? Nobody likes to be nagged at.

A lot of men would prefer that their women make their points once and give them time to act on them. When you begin to say things often it could become irritating. Do you know that a man with a nagging wife would prefer to stay out or hang out with his friends instead of coming home to a nagging wife?

Nagging could be very offensive. Men hate to hear words that are not lifting, boring and unproductive.

Beware of nagging, instead praise and encourage your spouse. If you want him to do something for you, talk to him at the best time. I am sure as a wife and lover you know when best to communicate with your spouse. Don't be a dictator, be respectful and submissive.

•Lack of intelligence: There is more to intelligence than formal education. It is the ability to think and understand issues. Men like women who can stand up to them in argument and who can discuss issues intelligibly. Aside from that, men love women who are intelligent because it is generally believed that a child inherits the mother's intelligence.

Work on yourself, read, have an open mind to develop your intelligence, I am sure your husband will appreciate your ability to behave intelligibly.

Lack of ambition: Some women suffer from lack of ambition, and some have misplaced priorities or ambitions. While some women are busy going after things that will add to their homes and husbands, some spend their time talking about clothes, shoes and any fashion in vogue. These are some of the things men don't enjoy.

They want women who will support them intelligibly and women with good ambition.

Weaker sex syndrome: Because women are referred to as the weaker sex, some of them capitalise on this and are mischievous about it, especially when it comes to the issue of hard work. Men get irritated by this show of "the weaker sex."

Most men feel women should be able to do some things on their own, I quite agree with them because we are supposed to be the "stronger weaken sex".

Being possessive: Most men don't like women who cling. Women who cling only exhibit a feeling of inferiority complex.

If you are confident of yourself and what you do, you need not cling to your husband or be over possessive. Be confident of yourself that you have that quality that other women don't possess. A quality that is unique to you and your husband won't want any other woman.

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